Vik Iceland Church and Town

25 Things to Do in Vik Iceland

There is no shortage of locations to explore in Iceland.  But one area of Iceland that becomes more popular each year is Vík í Mýrdal.  Lately, it has become a a waypoint to experiencing the heart of South Iceland.  Therefore, join us today as we share with you 25 Things to Do in Vik Iceland!

Vík í Mýrdal

From the Reykjavik city limits, you can expect to drive between 2.5-3 hours one way to find your way to Vik Iceland.  Further, it’s a town that only 700ish people live on a daily basis.  So to say they all know each other, is pretty true!

When you drive down the mountain pass and into the tiny town, you get a sense of excitement. But still with the underlying, small town charm and hospitality.  Here is our guide to the best sights to see and the best unique and offbeat things to do in Vik, Iceland!

1- Visit the Hillside Vik Church

If you find yourself self-driving in Iceland along the famous ring road.  Few things are more iconic than Víkurkirkja (Vik i Myrdal Church).  It was built in 1932 and has stood strong against the wind overtime thankfully to her concrete walls.  The hillside church in Vik has enough seats for 200 people.  The view from the mountain the church sits on is gorgeous overlooking the charming small town.  Maybe even the perfect place for a wedding in Vik Iceland?

2- Eat traditional Icelandic Meat Soup

When you have been touring or hiking around the island all day and need something warm in your belly the very best cure for that is trying a bowl of traditional Icelandic meat soup.  It is traditionally referred to by locals, kjotsupa.  You’re in luck too, because Ice Cave Bistro is known for the best in the town!  They are typically open from 11:30am-8pm year round.

3- Watch a Live Lava Show

The Lava Show in Vik is a fantastic place to learn about the local volcano, Katla and what has happened (and will happen) when she erupts.  And it’s just pretty badass to watch how lava begins and cools!  Plus you walk away with a fun keepsake too included in the admission price.  This is a very unique “like a local” experience and one of the best things to do in Vik Iceland.

4- Play Golf!

Yes, even in Iceland we have several golf courses for you to delight in.  The local golf course in Vik may not be very long, but does boast amazing views as you tee off!  Feel free to checkout this website for more information:

5- Visit the top of Reynisfjall Mountain

Standing over 1,000 feet tall is a mountain named Reynisfjall.  The area overlooks the famed sea stacks that are on the black sand beach of Reynisfjara.   It’s an invigorating uphill hike  (1-2 hours (one way up).  Worth the hike!

6- Hike to a Viking tomb!

No joke folks!  One of the first settlers to Iceland is Viking-style buried on top of a nearby mountain in Vik.  You will drive 10 minutes east from the tiny town of Vik until you see a sign on the right saying “Hjörleifshöfði.”  Follow the dirt road back until you see a second sign on the LEFT hand side and you’ll begin the hike from there.  Special Note: Do not drive here in your standard rental car during winter (snow levels can be high).

7- Go Beer Tasting!

Vik Iceland is proud to have unveiled it’s very down brewery named Smiðjan Brugghús!  So we dare you to grab a burger, fries, and a beer flight!

8- Vik Swimming Pool

Unfortunately, Vik is not a geothermal hot spot.  But we do have a pool if you want to relax after your afternoon of hiking!  Most days they are open until 7pm.  Checkout their website for more information on the Vik swimming pool hours.

9- Visit the Dyrhólaey Lighthouse and Sea Arch

If you’re a Game of Thrones fan or natural beauty, you will love visiting Dyrhólaey.  It overlooks a gorgeous view of the Atlantic Ocean.  During summer this place is full of all sorts of birds nesting and catching their dinners.  There is a historical lighthouse, lovely sea arch, and endless views that offer fantastic photo opportunities!

10- Have a picnic overlooking Vik Beach!

In our opinion, this is one of the best things to do in Vik Iceland!  So grab some lunch to go (or even sandwiches from the local KR grocery store) and grab a seat on the sand dunes or at the picnic table down by the beach to enjoy the view!  Special Note: Be careful to not get near the ripe tide waves!

11- Adventure to an Ice Cave!

You cannot leave Iceland without doing two things… Super Jeep touring and experiencing an ice cave.  You’re in luck too because you can do both of these things in Vik Iceland!

12- Overnight at the best hotels in Vik!

Having a full day of adventure can be quite tiring so it’s nice to “home base” yourself in Vik.  Our favorite hotels are Hotel Kria and Hotel Katla.  We encourage you to check them out as you plan out your things to do in Vik Iceland!

13- Go Northern Lights Hunting

Speaking of overnight accommodation in Vik, if staying the night during fall / winter time this area can be quite good for Northern Lights hunting.  We would suggest you head up to the area above the church to possibly see but also encourage you to check out the local forecast on Vedur first!  Note: Northern Lights season is typically October-March.

14- Visit the Wool Gallery

Many folks ask us where to buy the best local souvenirs, and our answer is simple: Vik Wool Gallery.  Lots of handmade items by locals for you to consider!

15- Ziplining in Vik Iceland

Relatively new to the town and quickly becoming one of the most interesting things to do in Vik is the Ziplining!  I mean who doesn’t want to have an adrenaline rush while on vacation?!

16- Eat a traditional Icelandic Hot Dog

Hands down one of our favorite things to do is to buy a hot dog from the N1 fuel station in Vik.  They are so delicious and engrained as a part of our culture.  Don’t worry my American friends out there who are likely cringing…

They are not made from random parts of pigs, they are made from lamb meat and taste totally different!  You dress the hot dog with raw and fried onions, ketchup, mustard, and remolaði sauces.  Traditionally you would also grab a can of coke and a Prince Polo bar too if you want to go full on Icelandic 😉

17- Paraglide from the top of a Mountain in Vik!

Our talented friends at True Adventure will take good care of you!

18- Have the BEST dinner view in Vik!

No matter what country you come from, we can all appreciate the natural beauty of a nice view during dinner!  At Strondin Restaurant during the months of June through September you can have hands down the BEST view during dinner in Vik Iceland.  Reservations are strongly encouraged during high season.

19- Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach

 Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach is not only stunning for the sand and the caves, but primarily because of the basalt columns emerging from the sea!  The area will leave you inspired.  Special Note: This area can be quite dangerous with sneaker waves so please do not go near the water and beware of what the tide is doing.

20- Eat Local Arctic Char in Vik

Several of the local restaurants offer delicious local cuisine like Arctic Char (a taste somewhere between trout and salmon, if curious).  Our favorites: The Berg and Sudur Vik for the best places to eat in Vik!

21- Hike the trails above Víkurkirkja

There are countless little sweet trails that go behind Vik i Myrdal Church.  Take a few minutes to explore them and witness the view of the town below!

22- Go BEACH Horseback Riding

Our friends at Vik Horse Adventure will introduce you to the amazing Icelandic horse!  They are talented creatures that boast an extra gait named the “Tölt.”  This is a gait so smooth that you could hold a beer and not spill it.  After all, how many chances in your life will you have the opportunity to spend time with such an amazing horse and ride them on a black sand beach?!

23- Trek to the abandoned US Navy Plane

A novelty for many tourists is witnessing the US Navy plane that crashed down on a nearby beach just 15 short minutes from the downtown of Vik.  Over the last 5+ years it has grown into one of the most popular things to do in Vik.  Please note, you may only park and hike to the plane now unless you go on a ATV adventure with the land owners.

24- Search for Puffins!

Bird watching is a summer thing to do in Vik Iceland.  During the months of mid-June to August you can find these little guys throughout the cliffs of Reynisfjall Mountain and Dyrhólaey.

25- Get Coffee or Hot Chocolate at Skool Beans

Warm up with a cup of your fave and experience a local gem!  Skool Beans is a local coffee shop brewing delicious things to drink!  They also offer a nice selection of handmade souvenirs and the chance to spot the elusive 3 legged cat Geoffrey!  Note: They are closed for winder between Nov-March because of storms.

The natural beauty of Vik South Iceland will leave you always wanting more.  There is so much to see and do, especially if you’re considering getting married in Vik Iceland.   In conclusion, we hope today you have enjoyed this Iceland travel blog post on 25 things to do in Vik!  Feel free to contact us on planning your own unique wedding as we’d love to help you!

Black sand wedding

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